澳紐軍團日精進念佛 | ANZAC Day Intensive Chanting Program
25 Apr 2024 7:00am to 5:00pm


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The Awakened Heart


I dreamed I stood in a studio and watched two sculptors there.
The clay they used was a child's mind and they fashioned it with care.
One was a teacher, the tools he used were books and music and art. 
One was a parent with a guiding hand and a gentle loving heart.
Day after day, the teacher toiled with a touch that was deft and sure,
While the parent labored by his side, and polished and smoothed it o'er.
When at last their task was done, they were proud of what they wrought, 
For the things that they had molded into the child,
    could neither be sold nor bought.
And each agreed he would have failed if he had worked alone,
For behind the parent stood the school and behind the teacher stood the home.


~ Anon / Courtesy of Peyvand Magazine


Shape the minds of our young with love, kindness, and the teachings of a great teacher. Teach them to think, speak, and act with wisdom!